Friday, October 31, 2008

Life is like a giant jig saw puzzle. It takes years to find out who you are. You get a few pieces at a time. Those pieces do not go together, sometimes for many years. You also have no idea what the picture looks like that you are putting together. Learning about yourself and staying true to yourself and who you are is a struggle.

We had a medium talk to us at our writers group. Books on paranormal are what is selling right now. We wanted to be able to write with some authority on the subject. Oma, the medium who talked to us, was very approachable. She was a pleasure to listen to. Quite a few of the authors in the group are romance novelists.

I worked with my mentor for a few minutes this week. One of my customers has an older donkey that has foot problems. The owners had the veterinarian out to do radiographs. The veterinarian wanted a more radical trim done. I have been working on this little guy for two years now and have worked hard to keep his feet as short as possible. A different veterinarian said I should be a little more cautious since the coffin bone was rotating toward the sole.

This was confusing, so the owners and I called Bob in. He didn’t take very much foot off at all, so apparently I was doing right by the donkey. I considered the stop a training day. Bob knew I was out there about 4 weeks earlier so he said he would not charge anything. I think we did the best we could for this customer. I was glad to see I was doing the right kind of trim. It is difficult to resolve within yourself that you cannot make some horses feet better. The best you can do is maintain or minimize pain and damage.