Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Smokey Westford novel is coming along slowly. I have the idea on paper, which is the easy part. Now I have to learn the techniques to polish the novel, add humor, create excitement and push the drama. I have not decided how to install the love interest for this character. I would like to take some time before I introduce a man, so Smokey has a chance to go out on some very bad dates.

I belong to Kansas Writers Inc. They have a training tape library. The tapes are great. They have been extremely helpful, but they do prove how much I need to learn and how much more work I have to do on the novels.

Horseshoeing finally kicked it up a notch last week. I expected last week to happen at the beginning of March. Horse people are starving their farriers this year. Even twenty year horseshoers are looking for part time work. No one has disposable income right now. I picked up a few new trim customers with good quiet horses.